By Darrell
September 6, 2019
CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU: A VERY GOOD SURVEY On August 26, 7 employees of the Wisconsin Department of Quality Assurance started Luther Home’s regular annual recertification survey. There was no complaint associated with the survey. The survey ended with an exit conference on August 28. The results reported to us were very good. We received four deficiencies. None of the deficiencies cited were the result of sub-standard care and no resident harm was cited. Three of the four deficiencies came from the same event. The surveyors determined that we made a late report of an incident that had occurred a few weeks prior. The staff member (actually an agency employee) decided to report the incident related to her by the resident at the end of her shift. Remember, all resident reports of issues must be made immediately. The other deficiency was in the area of hazard prevention/supervision of residents. None of the citations should be serious in scope or severity. When the survey team exited, they told us the deficiencies were at a D level. You don’t want to see a D on your son or daughter’s report card, but in our world a D is not too bad. So, thank you very much for your good work and your top-notch care of the residents of Luther Home! We are not perfect, but we sure do provide a good quality of life for our residents. Keep up the good work.
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